Every year, legendary roboticist Rodney Brooks updates and publishes his prediction scorecard – a living document in which he takes a hard, honest look at his own predictions on topics such as autonomous vehicles and AI. Together with his scorecard, he provides some thoughtful commentary; we are big fans of Brooks here at radical.
His latest commentary includes some (much-needed) level set on the impending AI revolution:
That being said, we are not on the verge of replacing and eliminating humans in either white-collar jobs or blue-collar jobs. Their tasks may shift in both styles of jobs, but the jobs are not going away. We are not on the verge of a revolution in medicine and the role of human doctors. We are not on the verge of the elimination of coding as a job. We are not on the verge of replacing humans with humanoid robots to do jobs that involve physical interactions in the world. We are not on the verge of replacing human automobile and truck drivers worldwide. We are not on the verge of replacing scientists with AI programs.
His whole post is very well worth the read. You’ll find it here.