Klarna CEO Says He Feels 'Gloomy' Because AI Is Developing So Quickly It'll Soon Be Able to Do His Entire Job

Sebastian Siemiatkowski, CEO of buy-now/pay-later company Klarna, throws some stones while sitting in a glasshouse:

While Siemiatkowski said AI is capable of performing his duties as CEO, he’s “not super excited” about the prospect of his job becoming obsolete. “My work to me is a super important part of who I am, and realizing it might become unnecessary is gloomy,” Siemiatkowski said in the X post.

You might remember that Klarna cheerfully fired 22% of their workforce to replace them with AI. It makes one wonder if those people felt a little “gloomy” about AI too? 🤔

That being said, he does raise an important point…

“But I also believe we need to be honest with what we think will happen. And I [would] rather learn and explore than pretend it does not exist.”

Link to article.

Pascal Finette @radical